Auto Loans

     The Sneha Mutually Aided Co-Op sociey offer you best choice for purchase of a new two wheeler/3-Wheeler  vehicals with lowest margin and attractive interest rates




  • Attractive interest rates
  • No Prepayment/Foreclosure charges
  • Easy procedure in  sanction of loan




  • For Purchase of new vehical like scooter, auto, 4-wheelar.




  • To avail auto loan facility, the applicant must become a share holder of the society
  • One Should be an individual aged 21 years to 60 years
  • All individuals who are the share holder/member of the society in particular and regular Govt. Employees, employess working in public sector, private sector, professionals, self employed, business people income tax assesses individuls who are having sufficient income to repay the loan.
  • Maximum ceiling for sanction of loan Rs.50,000/-


Documents Rerquired:


You would need to submit the following documents along with the completed application form


  • Statement of bank account for the last 6 months
  • Salary statement from the employer
  • Form No:16 or income tax return.
  • 2 no. of passport size photo.


Proof of identay/Address proof.


  1. Pancard
  2. Driving Licence
  3. Adhar Card
  4. Passport
  5. Voter id
  6. Tele. Bill
  7. Elect. Bill
  8. Ration Card
Online Application Download Pdf